The original I.K.E.M.E.N includes seven modes, those being: Watch Mode, 1P vs. Game modes Main article: M.U.G.E.N's game modes In early 2022, K4thos and Gacel created the ikemen-engine Github organization to serve as a central repository for the engine. With the latter's fork becoming inactive and the eventual comeback of K4thos in 2020, both Gacel and K4thos' forks were considered the "dominant" fork of the engine. Īnother user, Gacel, created his own fork a year later, and around this time Suehiro's fork seemingly ceased further development. Shortly after, Neat Unsou made his own fork of the engine and directly helped with SuperSuehiro in development. K4thos became less active as time went on, and SuperSuehiro merged the changes of I.K.E.M.E.N GO Plus into the main branch of I.K.E.M.E.N GO. Later on, two community members named K4thos and Shinlucho forked the engine's source code onto GitHub and began adding their own features and bug fixes, under the name I.K.E.M.E.N GO Plus. Starting in 2016, SuperSuehiro began rewiting the engine in the programming language Go, calling it I.K.E.M.E.N GO. Initially, its only netplay features were simple online play and replay, and gameplay-wise functioned identical to early versions of M.U.G.E.N 1.0 with the addition of stage zoom, which would later be added in the M.U.G.E.N 1.1 beta. I.K.E.M.E.N came bundled with a slightly edited version of Kung Fu Man and a single stage, a low-resolution version of SpaceRainbow. The earliest available build of I.K.E.M.E.N dates back to July 7, 2010. In 2013, Suehiro's Google Code capacity had reached its limit, which prompted a move to OSDN (known at the time as SourceForge.jp). I.K.E.M.E.N began development in 2010 by SuperSuehiro on the now-archived Google Code service, using a proprietary programming language called S-SIZE, also created by Suehiro. Because of its open source nature, the engine has been split into multiple versions handled by different individuals the original I.K.E.M.E.N was created by SuperSuehiro, which was later forked and extended into I.K.E.M.E.N Plus by K4thos, and later rewritten in the GO language as I.K.E.M.E.N GO by SuperSuehiro, which is currently maintained by multiple individuals. Unlike M.U.G.E.N, the engine is open source, which allows users to modify the engine outside of simple content additions, as well as the addition of new features, such as new state controllers and menus. The engine is notable for introducing stage zoom prior to the release of the M.U.G.E.N 1.1 beta, and for allowing netplay matches, a feature that is not supported in any official build of M.U.G.E.N.

I.K.E.M.E.N (short for Itsumademo Kanseishinai Eienni Mikansei ENgine) is a free and open-source fighting game engine designed to be compatible with M.U.G.E.N content, while also expanding on its feature set to allow for more flexible customization.