Make no more than $5000 for any calendar year from selling products under these Guidelines. You comply with all other laws and requirements and That independently records the quantities of the product sold andĮnables us to independently verify that information You sell those products only through a website or service / channel Make 21 T-shirts using Design A nor can you make 20 T-shirts using T-shirts using Design A and 20 T-shirts using Design B, but you cannot (or a substantially similar) Unique Design. You don’t make and sell more than 20 product items using the same Mojang has no liability for the products or purchase Manufacturer are NOT Mojang, NOT associated with Mojang, and NOT Purchase, who the seller and manufacturer are, and that the seller and You are explicit about who to contact about the product and / or NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG” Related materials and product listings/descriptions that it is “NOT You mark clearly and prominently on each such product and all You make no use of any software, sound or audio from Minecraft No part of the Brand and / or Assets forms a dominant element or substantial part of the product or its design Handcrafted products that are inspired by Minecraft so long as youĪny product or design is otherwise entirely original and unique (a “Unique Design”) If you comply with and follow the Essential Requirements (in theīrand and Asset Usage Guidelines) and Naming Guidelines YOU MAY: However, you can usualy also enjoy these textures if you want to with mods but note that there may be compatibility issues.I would like to make sure everyone knows Mojang’s rules for this type of thing, its not all of them but its the main one for the specified topic. Texture packs work well even with the vanilla version of Minecraft. Installing Realistico (Lite) does not require any additional mods. Detailed Change Textures Guide Does Not Need Other Mods

Check the latest version of the texture pack that you want to download for a better and more up to date improvements. While old texture packs can be used for new ones, older packs are likely to not have any compatible textures for new blocks. Select "Done" and wait for the game to reload *You can also use this menu to remove applied Texture or Resource packs Select the Texture Pack that you want to apply While playing, go to "Options." and select "Resource Packs." Move the downloaded texture pack to Minecraft's "resoursepacks" folder How To Install Realistico (Lite) Steps To Install Realistico (Lite) 1ĭownload the texture pack from Forge.